
Finding time

It’s weird. Today, I find myself reflecting on age. Just three months ago I turned 28. I find myself thinking about how we as people view age from so many different perspectives. How we assume and develop opinions of people’s entire lives through a number. I find myself wondering about my own age and those around me, how the company I find myself surrounded by might be influenced by the age I find myself currently. Do you ever think age matters? Do ever you sit and think about why that person is younger or older than you and what that entails?

Many people will tell you age doesn’t matter, that it’s who we are as people that truly determines our interactions with others. People will tell you that you’re young and the possibilities are endless while you’re a teenager, and that once you’ve passed your twenties the better half of your years are gone.

As if living has now finished and the prime of your life has blossomed, ignited, burned and slowly withered, wilted away into the sunset of life.

I wonder about these ideas. Ideas of pressure and guidance, of experiences and stories. I wonder about myself and where I’m going. I try not to think too much about that. I guess I wonder about the way I spend my time as well and if I’ve done enough to achieve an age well lived?

Is it wrong to wonder what I could have done? Perhaps even what I would have changed? Am I alone in regrets? Reminded of my past, believing in living a life without regrets, unknowing that learning is living with regrets. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t intend for this to be a melodramatic rendition of my flaws but rather just an acceptance of my past and future, perhaps, I guess?

I’ve found I love participation and discussion in these ideas. I want to know how you feel? Are you young or old? Does it matter? And if you’re old but feel young or vice versa why do you feel that way? Does that make a difference?

I find the idea of discussing the decisions of life emphasized by the experiences of age enthralling. How we are wise, yet burdened by the things we have seen and done. How our brains solidify into actual coherence the older we get, not just as a physical manifestation, but the idea that mentally we become more firm and defined the older we are.

This blog has always been a cove from the storm, a break from the waves and place of rest for my mind. But I hope when people come here they read with trepidation. That they may learn from these words, but also that they do so with caution. I’m open in my experiences, but also fragile in my heart. I give as much as I can willingly, but ask only that you open yourself in the ideas that you perceive through these words. I think everyone could understand each other a bit better if we stepped around others with a bit more reserve and opened up with a bit more wisdom.

We all go through this experience called life, those before us and those after us. Others have known these things and others will still contemplate them when we are gone. Age may be a number, and it may be different for everyone experiencing it, but perhaps that is the point.

We all are experiencing it in this life and in that I find hope.

In that I find, perhaps, a little more wisdom.

3 thoughts on “Finding time

  1. Such a thought-provoking post. So amazing. I feel like my life is over even though I am in my 20s. I have to remember that I still have some life ahead of me.

    1. I’m glad! I was hoping for interaction with it. I think what I want to portray is that no matter what age we are, we’re all going through it together from those younger than us to those older it’s comforting to know for me at least.

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